Browse Collections (5 total)
Barbour's seahorse

Method of capture: by hand, captive breeding, wading
Depth: 3-4ft
Collector: A. Perry, A. Vincent, Boen Haq, Hani Haq, M. Pajoro, S. Casey, S. Lourie,
Identifier: A. Perry, S. Lourie
Big-belly seahorse

Method of capture: captive breeding
Collector: I. Shaw
Identifier: S. Lourie
West African seahorse

Method of capture: captive breeding
Collector: A. Vincent, R. Ng
Identifier: S. Lourie
Great seahorse

Method of capture: thrawling, seine fishing, compressor diving
Depth: 40-50ft, deep waters
Collector: A. Kendrick, A. Mayoa, A. Perry, A. Vincent, Do Huu Hoang, H. Hall, Nguyen Van Long, R. Ng, S. Casey, S. Lourie, Truong Si Ky
Identifier: A. Perry, S. Lourie
Narrow-bellied seahorse

Method of capture: trawling
Collector: A. Kendrick
Identifier: S. Lourie